Wetsuit in the Desert

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I spent the weekend with my husband over the weekend and drove this time. Driving offered me the opportunity to go in different gear than my motorcycle leathers. On the way back, I wore my Xterra Volt full wetsuit and shoes. It was a lot of fun and did get some looks. I changed into the wetsuit in the Arizona desert near the old Gillespie Dam and bridge, which offered some nice views as well.

Miles of desert all around.
Full view, gotta get a selfie stick I think.
In the car and ready to get going. Just a five hour drive ahead in a full wetsuit across a desert.

Author: Sir SD Michael

Greetings! I am a bondage and gear enthusiast with many years of experience in both. I'm a big fan of heavy and long term bondage, sometimes extending days long.

3 thoughts on “Wetsuit in the Desert”

  1. I hope you enjoyed the trip! I flew to New York in a wetsuit with other clothes on top via SkyBlue a long time ago, that got some odd reactions from the TSA folks! I can’t imagine what ensued from MIR in Chicago last weekend.

    1. It was a lot of fun. Especially when I had to get out of the car near Araz. I’ve traveled in gear before. Last couple times I flew I wore tights and a long sleeve lycra shirt. I even rode the LA Metro Gold Line in my Dainese motorcycle racing suit.

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